Following 4 operation modes
are possible:
Mode 1:
(free-flow monitoring - controls poured out beverages by volume and by waiter)
Necessary equipment and accompanying measures:
- FlowControl Unit BCU-1,
- flowmeter,
- manual taps,
- consistent liter price for all poured portions of a
beverage type.
How it works:
From every connected tap or dispensing head unrestricted pouring is possible. While
pouring beverages, the Control-Unit recognizes the volume and charges the account of the
waiter whose ID-coin is in contact with the magnetic coin reader.
If a pouring without waiter ID occurs, a red
lighting signal will be turned on, which signals other waiters that an anonymous
dispensing has been occurred. The LCD-Display informs also, when which volume of which
product has been poured out without ID. As soon as any waiter identifies himself with his
personal ID coid, his account will be charged with all the previous anonymous pourings.
The waiters control each other the application of their ID coins. Daily settlement with
staff is possible via LCD-Display or slip-printer, and the report matches with the real
taking from the taps or dispensers.
Mode 2:
(free-flow monitoring - controls poured out beverages by item number, volume and by
Necessary equipment and accompanying measures:
- FlowControl Unit BCU-1,
- flowmeter
- manual taps,
- Bonator cash register teminal with firmware.
How it works:
Sales of beverages as well of all other products can be registered manually with the
Bonator terminal, what leads into a comprehensive sales statistic. Waiter identification
happens alternatively by Bonus chipcoins or by a 4-digit password. A pouring from the taps
without ID will be treated as described at Mode 1 (red lighting signal).
As soon as the command for a sales report is
initiated, the Bonator-terminal summarizes the registered sales of all beverage portions
entered manually by the waiters, and calculates the theoretical total consumption of all
beverages in liters per waiter. After that, the Bonator terminal reads in the real poured
out litres of every beverage from the BCU-1, and compares the two values to expose the
differences in a report what leads subsequently into an automatic correction of the
waiter's account.
A comprehensive settlement with staff, guests inclusive stock control is possible either
via LCD-Display or by slip-printer. Settlement matches exactly with the real taking from
the taps or dispensers. As the Bonator-terminal can also be installed remotely form the
control-unit BCU1, it is for waiters possible to assign bartenders automatically to pour
out the orders of the guests what leads into an efficient division of the work.
Mode 3:
(credit mode - preceding registering is absolutely necessary before anything can be
Necessary equipment and accompanying measures:
- Flow-Control Unit BCU-1
- flowmeter
- manual tap with an additional release valve or an
electric tap,
- Bonator cash register teminal with firmware.
How it works:
Dispensing is only possible if a waiter identifies himself with his Bonus chipcoin, what
activates the installed release valve. In combination with a Bonator-terminal the electric
release valve is only activated, if the waiter registers manually the item he intends to
pour out, what leads also into exactly dispensed portions as the release valve interrupts
the beverage line at the end of each portion.
The waiter is forced to pour out always the correct portion as well to use his ID. Due to
the release valves, this mode is qualified to realize a self-service beverage fountain for
Mode 4:
(fuzzyLogic mode - item selection is possible directly at the panel of the BCU-48
FlowControl Unit)
Necessary equipment and accompanying measures:
- Control-unit BCU-48 (wall mounted version),
- flowmeter
- manual tap with an additional release valve or an
electric faucet,
- Bonator cash register teminal with firmware.
- Bonator terminal stationary or portable.
How it works:
Basically exactly in the same way as our fuzzy-logic beverage dispenser. The difference
is, that existing manual taps can be used, which are already mounted outside the BCU-48
cabinet. Dispensing is only possible if a waiter identifies himself with his
Bonus-chipcoin what activates the release valves. Every label at the panel of the BCU-48
Control Unit represents a beverage portion or mixture, and selection happens by
sensor-keys. After an item has been selected, the BCU-48 Control Unit monitors the poured
out volume and takes care of accurate portions.
Due to the portion selection system, it isn't necessary to register the beverage taking in
advance by a cash-register as described in Mode 3.